"More than ever, today, we need to rethink about the meaning and the power of wellbeing. Wellbeing comes under the forms of art, exercise, nature, food, spirituality and people. It is the holistic and fragile balance between ourselves, the neighbour and the world. Ultimately, wellbeing means care, and care means wellbeing. The care we aspire for ourselves, for our families, and for all."
The World We Care - Panels at Tessa Jowell Health Centre first floor
The World We Care acts as a meeting point between the Tessa Jowell Health Centre values, services and the community needs, and the Dulwich Picture Gallery collection to explore the themes of health, care and healing. To reflect the Centre’s interdisciplinary and holistic approach, at the centre of the artwork there is the human being in relationship to four key ecosystems which enhance our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing: Nature, Community, Health and City.
The World We Care - Preliminary drawings
Created by the voices of the staff and the patients of the facilities, a vibrant ribbon piece, like a frieze placed at the heart of a temple of health, will carry every day a message of hope, joy, and resilience for the young and old visitors.