Katherine Low Settlement collaborated closely with artist and designer Adalberto Lonardi to develop a series of creative workshops during the Christmas holidays, to introduce younger and older participants of the KLS community to drawing. Art is here used to create relationships, discover new hobbies and entertain.
"I share what we do with my family they now ask what I’ve been doing, it adds interest to our conversations and the extended family... I told them I have the opportunity to learn from a real artist. Everyone is benefiting! They look forward to hearing from me." Workshop Member
Drawing for Wellbeing - Blindfolded black lines and pstaels drawing
The energetic drawing session starts with a moment of mindfulness, followed by a series of quick and dynamic exercises to warm up the hand muscles and activate the human brain's creative left side. The drawing techniques are introduced with an Art Quiz that engages the participants to guess artists based on their signature drawing styles. The laboratory ends with a longer live exercise where the audience is invited to follow Adalberto's steps, which guide step by step the participants through the representation of an object, focusing more on the process and observation rather than the outcome.
Drawing for Wellbeing - Pencil drawing of a pair of blue and green glasses
For many older participants, venturing on a digital platform such as Zoom, to engage with other members is a big technological challenge yet an inspiring step towards confidence and independence. This is part of the digital inclusion program that Katherine Low Settlement is developing and putting into action since the 2020 pandemic. The program aims to create human connections through technology and art and advocate the power of elders as new learners of technology.
"I’m thoroughly enjoying it. I showed my family pictures. I can’t believe I could do this... I could be watching tv, but instead, I’m watching a real artist showing me what to do and learning. I didn’t imagine zoom could be that good when you suggested I learnt to zoom! It’s amazing." Workshop Member
Drawing for Wellbeing - Pencil drawing of Giorgio Morandi “Natura morta con tavolo”
To join the workshop, please contact Kerry Hagger (KLS elders team).